How to Safely Pay Your Chinese Supplier from Australia

As the internet has revolutionised the e-commerce world, businesses have now become more global, trading across borders like never before. Amongst these new opportunities, Australia has seen a surge in imports from Chinese suppliers thanks to faster shipping times and favourable currency exchange rates.

August 23, 2023
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As the internet has revolutionised the e-commerce world, businesses have now become more global, trading across borders like never before. Amongst these new opportunities, Australia has seen a surge in imports from Chinese suppliers thanks to faster shipping times and favourable currency exchange rates.

However, with these growing connections come concerns around payment security. To ensure you get the most out of your overseas business ventures, it's crucial to know how to safely pay your Chinese supplier from Australia. In this post, we'll explore several trusted methods, including our preferred partner Payoneer, that can help you confidently make secure payments to your overseas suppliers. Read on!

How to Safely Pay Your Chinese Supplier from Australia: Trusted Methods to Ensure Secure Transactions

Sourcing products from overseas markets like China is becoming increasingly popular. However, to successfully collaborate with Chinese suppliers, it's vital to ensure that your payment methods are both secure and reliable. Here we'll explore various options, including our recommended partner Payoneer, to help facilitate safe payments when dealing with Chinese suppliers.

1. Choose a Reputable Payment Provider

Partnering with a reputable payment provider can significantly improve the safety and efficiency of your international transactions. Organisations such as Payoneer offer services tailored for businesses engaging in cross-border trade and have established networks that make transactions secure, smooth, and quick. Payoneer can pre-pay your Chinese supplier in USD, helping you to avoid potential exchange rate fluctuations and additional fees.

Transparency, security features, and customer support are essential factors to consider when selecting a payment provider. Some other popular providers include Wise, Western Union, and OFX; however, always ensure you research the provider's reputation before committing to using their services.

2. Utilise Safe Payment Methods

To avoid falling victim to fraud or payment delays, it's essential to understand the types of payment methods and identify those that offer the most security. Some of the most popular and secure payment methods include:

  • Online Payment Platforms: Our preferred partner, Payoneer, offers seamless and secure cross-border transactions. Their user-friendly platform is designed to streamline the process and provide peace of mind when paying overseas suppliers.
  • Telegraphic Transfer (T/T): This payment method, also known as bank wire transfer, involves the electronic transfer of funds from your bank account to your supplier’s. T/Ts are widelyaccepted and respected for their speed and efficiency; however, be aware that fees can varybetween banks.
  • PayPal: When dealing with smaller transactions, PayPal is a reliable option, offering consumer protection and the ability to dispute transactions if required. However, be cautious of the fees associated with using PayPal for larger transactions.
  • Letter of Credit: The buyer's and seller's banks facilitate these transactions, offering a high level of protection to both parties. This method is ideal for larger orders but can be complex and time-consuming.

3. Verify Your Supplier's Reliability

A critical aspect of ensuring a secure transaction with your Chinese supplier is choosing one with a trustworthy reputation. Here are a few strategies for verifying your supplier's reliability:

  • Company Registration Number: Obtain the supplier's company registration number, and cross-check it against the official Chinese government registry for legitimacy.
  • Supplier Directories: Websites like Alibaba, Global Sources, and Made-in-China have verified supplier databases that provide useful information about a company's reputation, products, and services.
  • Online Reviews: Search various forums and platforms where past customers have shared their experiences with a particular supplier. Though not always trustworthy, these reviews can provide insights into potential red flags.
  • Quality Certifications: ISO or other relevant quality certifications can indicate that a supplier has a commitment to maintaining industry standards. Don't hesitate to ask suppliers for documentation to support their claims.
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Don’t get caught out by a fraudulent or second-rate Chinese supplier or manufacturer. Know before you go with the Epic Sourcing Verification Report.

4. Develop Well-Defined Payment Terms

Clearly outlining payment terms is essential for avoiding potential misunderstandings and disputes down the track. Consider the following pointers when negotiating terms with your Chinese suppliers:

  • Deposit Amounts: Negotiate a mutually agreeable deposit amount to be paid upfront, typically within the range of 30-50% of the total order value.
  • Payment Schedule: Develop a clear payment schedule based on your expectations and those of your suppliers. Include details for partial and full payments and establish milestones or other conditions that need to be met before releasing funds.
  • Incoterms: International Commercial Terms (Incoterms) designate the division of responsibility between you and your suppliers. Familiarise yourself with lesser-known terms and their implications and establish clearly which party is responsible for costs such as shipping, insurance, and customs charges.
  • Currency: Agree upon a currency (USD, AUD, or CNY) for all payments, ideally one that minimises exchange rate fluctuations between the Australian Dollar and the Chinese Yuan.

A sourcing agent can help you put together a suitable purchase agreement. Here at Epic Sourcing we give our clients access to a template that they can use to establish the agreement with their Chinese manufacturer. Get in touch if you would like to discuss.


Making secure payments when dealing with Chinese suppliers is a central aspect of fostering successful business relationships in the global e-commerce landscape. By following the steps and recommendations outlined in this blog post, you can ensure your transactions are secure and compliant. Using a trusted partner like Payoneer, verifying your suppliers' reliability,

employing safe payment methods, and establishing clear payment terms will help you mitigate risks and confidently pursue new opportunities in international markets.

Epic Sourcing Australia is a sourcing agency located in Australia. Our goal is to help small and medium-sized businesses in Australia with importing goods from China and other Asian countries. We strive to remove common obstacles, such as language difficulties, unreliable suppliers, and more, that may arise during the import process. If you are looking for a sourcing agent for China, contact us today!

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